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Why Spend A Week At Camp Without S’mores?


When there are so many ways to learn to SCUBA dive, people often ask “what benefits are there to having my student attend a week away to learn SCUBA?”  The answers are as varied as there are kids and personalities.  What one can gain in a week away in a tropical location usually includes personal growth, education, service to the local community and environment and developing unique skills, in addition to becoming a diver.  Ideally, the location is one where marine conservation skills are nurtured, where students have a high impact on the marine ecosystem where they are studying and in a place that puts students learning SCUBA and related good practices in a front row seat.  

Benefits from solid camp programs include: - Exploring whether or not one wants to pursue further study and/or a career in marine science -Increased self esteem through meeting both physical and academic challenges -Developing research skills -Feeling empowered by helping to solve a pressing environmental problem  -Developing teamwork skills including appreciation for differences, appropriate expression of feelings and effective problem solving  -Developing leadership skills  -Developing grit and stamina through challenge -Training for your scuba certification in an environment where you will have first-hand access to incredible ocean inhabitants and important practices to keep reefs and ocean life safe -Usually, there is also the potential to receive service credits 

Everything that happens in a strong SCUBA camp requires young people to take responsibility for themselves and others in the group, and allows the opportunity for students to take frequent leadership roles. Learning to dive with biologists, conservationists and dive professionals provides a unique opportunity to get exposed to some of the most important aspects of the health of our oceans and its inhabitants, developing students into critical thinkers, thoughtful decision makers and advocates for conservation issues.  

While their experiences may include more fresh fruit than traditional campfire s’mores, they will undoubtedly have a lifelong impact.  

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